DOOM, gloom and despondency, deficit reduction, austerity measures – congratulations to Conservative-controlled Bournemouth Council for bucking the trend.

Let’s have a ‘welcome to Bournemouth’ sign.

It is only £86,000 – as no one knows where they are travelling by road these days with satnav.

When the satnav later takes them down by the sea, something around £8million has been spent to create a two-minute view by removing the Imax building.

If you’re a walker like myself, you may miss these two things.

However, on and off for 20 years I have walked an alleyway from Lansdowne Road to Dean Park Road, admittedly without a satnav, so hadn’t a clue where I was.

I’m so pleased this 100-yard alleyway is so special it now has two road name plates letting me know it’s Lansdowne Walk (approximate cost £500 each).

I didn’t want to miss out on the view the cars have, so I walked through Bournemouth Gardens.

There I find they are building mini-castles out of Purbeck stone to the side of each walkway.

I have read there is to be a ‘free’ concert by the BSO. So no cost there then?

I’m sure a councillor will come forward and proudly announce it has all been achieved without raising council tax.

Mrs Thatcher will be turning in her grave. Council tax in her day would have been top priority to cut before the extravagances of the above, which seem to be a sign of our times.

MIKE CARLILE, Bennett Road, Bournemouth