“BITE back at hunger.” This is the slogan for Christian Aid Week (May 12-18) when we are all asked to “help people living in poverty out of poverty for good”.

Christian Aid works through 578 partner organisations in 48 countries providing practical assistance, enabling people to support themselves.

For example, in Zimbabwe,they have built new dams enabling nutritious crops of vegetables and beans to flourish in a once barren landscape; in other areas they have introduced new crops and taught new techniques to combat climate change.

Christian Aid helps people of all faiths and none.

So if you get a red envelope through your letterbox in the next few days, please don’t throw it in the recycling bin; a volunteer will be calling to collect it; and whether you can pop in 5p, £5 or more, every contribution is of value. On Saturday May 18, please look out for our collecting boxes around the Square, in Boscombe shopping precinct and in Southbourne. Thank you.

MARY HARRISON, secretary, Bournemouth Christian Aid Committee