I AM disabled and recently was promoted to an electric wheelchair. I have a problem.

To get out of the house I need a gate which opens from both sides and a small ramp.

I applied to the Benefits Social Fund for a grant (for £210) to cover the cost and went ahead and had the work done.

Then I received a letter from the benefits people saying they wouldn’t be paying me as “we are not allowed to pay for what you have requested”.

After calling to try and find who I should speak to I heard a message saying that from March the Social Fund would no longer exist.

After quite a bit of detective work I found that all these payment – crisis loans, community care grants and budgeting loans are now being dealt with by the local authority.

As Bournemouth Borough Council has frozen our council tax for the last three years (very laudable), how on earth is it going to fund all these new commitments?

£210 doesn’t sound much, but if you don’t have it, it actually is a lot. The man who did the work needs paying and although he is being very kind and understanding, he does have a business to run.

I hold out very little hope that the council will pay it.

They have roads, housing, refuse collections etc to keep up so what is so important about enabling one disabled lady to leave her home?

I will tell you. It means I can go to the shops independently, can visit friends, can go on busses, in short I can have a life again and, most importantly, it will free up carers to do far more important tasks than escorting me.

So come on, Bournemouth council, stop trying to be popular and be realistic.

Increase council tax then people like me can have their needs met without having to take out a bank loan at high interest rates.

JENNY STEPHENS, St Margaret’s Road, Bournemouth