REGARDING the fireworks on the Quay or the beach (‘New venue is quay to event’s success’, Letters March 21), I can understand in our current economic climate they mayhave made cuts by reducing the number of firework evenings. However, I only hope in the future we are able to have our beach evening back again. I am fortunate enough to have a hut and often have up to nine people join me for a fish and chip evening and the fireworks.

I won’t be going to the Quay as I do not like crowds or just milling around with nowhere to sit. I have tried it in the past and it’s not for me. On the beach the children have room to run free in safety and the evenings take on a continental air with many having barbecues.

So splitting the event between the Quay and the beach can only serve to meet more people’s enjoyment, which is surely a better way to deal with this type of entertainment.