YOUR report of February 13, 2013 which suggests that funding may soon be made available to resurface the Spur Road out of Bournemouth illustrates, in my view, the crazy economic thinking followed by the present coalition government.

Some 75 years ago, in 1936, John Maynard Keynes produced his ‘General Theory of Employment. Interest and Money’ and in 1944 Sir William Beveridge produced his report ‘Full Employment in a Free Society’.

Taken together, these two reports formed the basis of economic and social policy in this country and western economies for the next 35 years – a period, it might be added , when reasonably full employment was the norm.

Both Keynes and Beveridge were Liberals and I suspect that both would turn in their graves today if they could see how the present day Liberal Democrat Party has supported the economic folly of the Conservative-led government in cutting public investment just at the time when the opposite course should have been followed.

To neglect the infrastructure of the country as implied by failure to maintain the Spur Road is not only wasteful but demonstrates a fundamental ignorance of what both Keynes and Beveridge were saying.

GORDON CANN, Craigmoor Avenue, Bournemouth