ON Tuesday, February 26 I attended the Christchurch council meeting on the Core Strategy to be sent to the Secretary of State.

I listened to lots of talk about what’s good for the wellbeing and quality of life for all the people of Christchurch. It was stated the council wanted new housing to improve the lot of our young people.

I find this very commendable as this is desperately needed to keep our young families local in the area they were born and brought up. However, if the intention is to improve and keep the quality of life for all residents, why haven’t the council taken into account the effect of moving the Roseshot Hill allotments?

With so much spoken about the need for ‘Community’ I do not see the logic behind the decision to destroy the vibrant community spirit which exists at Roseshot Hill.

This is a community of young and old, rich and poor which gels so well together and would take a long time to recreate at a new site.

Some plot holders would not be able to start all over again and others, especially the ‘old timers’ would find it just too difficult.

If left where they are they could have another five or 10 years enjoying their plot.

In effect this would destroy one of the communities the council say they want to encourage.

What sort of improvement to the infrastructure are being considered? It is pointless to destroy the allotments in order to build a large number of houses on an area not supported by enough schools, doctors surgeries, leisure facilities etc.

B V EPTON, Leyside, Christchurch