REFERRING to the article: ‘One in five children now live in poverty’ (Daily Echo, February 21).

As a local authority councillor I’m appalled that we in this country have children in poverty and turning to food banks.

In India, where I spent a long time and returned back twice, the well of people say the poor will always be with us and I know they are trying to reduce the amount of poverty there, but in this country it should not be the case that the poor will always be with us.

I work hard for the needs of older people who have the ability to make and mend, but children, depending on age, are unable to make and mend.

Purbeck has 1,083 children, 13 per cent in poverty. Too many and I’m pleased to learn there are people in the community willing to and are doing wonderful work to help.

The government policy in cutting benefits as always cuts across those who need them but are unable to fight for their needs, like filling out these endless forms in, which one needs training in filling.

I say make the forms simple and with questions and answers to guide people who, like most older people, don’t want to ask for help, not knowing they are entitled to it.

I will raise the concerns of the children in poverty to as many councillors and MPs I meet.

CLLR FRED DRANE, Martingale Close, Upton, Poole