REGARDING the various articles about the proposed closure of Dorset Enterprises, I attended the Overview and Management panel meeting last Wednesday, January 23 and seconded Cllr Grower’s motion of option three to take the decision back to cabinet and hopefully to the Full Council where EVERY member could be involved.

The main reason this meeting was arranged in a short space of time was because it was a “call-in” as this decision had never been taken to a panel of the council.

I made the point that even though there had been a task and finish group looking at the workings of Dorset Enterprise, they never reported back to a panel of the council so that we could all have a say! Not democracy.

The staff at Dorset Enterprise have, in my opinion, been poorly treated and as I said at the meeting there wasn’t a will to look at new ideas and items to make etc.

The marketing manager’s post went so how was one to promote their goods?

Also the items which were made weren’t being sold at the market prices.

Of course this was a recipe for disaster.

A very sad day when this factory closes and we will watch to see if the staff there do get employment.

I have my doubts as I said to the council’s administration.

CLLR ANNE REY, Setley Gardens, Bournemouth