THE Rotary Club of Ringwood had another successful event with the festivities on Christmas Eve in the Market Place, Ringwood, with a similar format as previous years.

The Market Place was festooned in lights as usual and we had over 2,000 people who sang carols before Father Christmas appeared to delight the many children and those who still come here on Christmas Eve since they themselves were children and who look so forward to the occasion.

The Salvation Army Band played for the assembled crowd in the Market Place who were singing as well as usual.

Several thousand people turned out to welcome Father Christmas to his grotto and children gave him many hundreds of presents, which will go to local children’s homes and special schools.

The Ringwood Rotary Club would like to thank not just the people who brought gifts and those mentioned already but also all those other people who lent us their equipment for the night, including, Ringwood Public Address, Raymond Brown Construction and in particular to Ringwood Brewery for the loan on the night of their lorry. The costs of the event have been financed by a generous grant given by Ringwood Town Council.

We would like to thank, in particular, Robert Samson who brought Father Christmas to the Market Place in the lovely carriage drawn by his impressive horses. These are always popular with the children who pet them and feed them with carrots.

The gifts will be used by local children’s homes and special schools who we support each year. We hope to see as many people next year As a footnote we did find several items after the event, a small teddy bear and a knitted purse and also a red folding umbrella. Please contact us if you want them returned.

DICK SHEERIN, Ringwood Rotary Club, 01425 477649