I WOULD like to respond to the letter sent in by Mr John Dewdney prior to Christmas concerning his disillusionment with Christchurch Council in respect of those councillors who seem to be unrepresentative of the feelings of the communities they represent.

There is an alternative for people who are fed up with party politics at local level and that is to vote Independent. On Christchurch Borough Council there are currently only two Independent councillors fighting for the residents and the Borough; the majority of the Council is made up of 22 Conservatives, tied to a Party Whip, doing what they are told to do and voting how they are told to vote – is this democracy? What is needed is more candidates to stand as Independents in the County Council elections in 2013 and in the next Christchurch Borough elections in 2015.

If you are genuinely interested in local issues and want to help the residents of Christchurch and our Borough, now and in the future and would like to consider standing as an Independent Councillor please email either myself or Cllr Fred Neale at independentchristchurch @gmail.co.uk. By contacting us there is no commitment whatsoever.

CLLR C BUNGEY, Independent Leader Christchurch Borough