COULD we have a readers’, or better still, a council tax payers’ wishlist for the New Year to be presented at the next council meeting?

Top of mine would be forget publishing grandiose schemes that have no finances in place and concentrate on repairing the basics. The local infrastucture, roads/ services/ schools/public spaces, is falling apart.

Please have a wander around the area and you might realise what a scruffy, poorly maintained town Bournemouth has become.

Include in your inspection all the areas of the conurbation for a change.

Take someone with a bit of clout from the highways department to explain how they’ve allowed the roads to get into such a dangerous state for motorists and cyclists.

Add to that the outsourced contractors as no one seems to check that we are getting value for our money.

BRYN DAVIES, Greenacres Close, Bournemouth