I AM writing in response to the letter titled ‘Yet more fireworks bang out of order’ (December 27).

On December 14 I had an appointment with my local Conservative MP about firework legislation.

I, like many people, have dogs, one of which is terrified of fireworks and needs to be sedated to cope with them.

Unfortunately, due to the current laxity of legislation, it is difficult to predict when fireworks will go off.

Upon seeing my MP I was told that people are ‘allowed’ to release fireworks whenever they want and further legislation is not required.

He informed me that fireworks can be released at any time from 7am to 11pm from October 15 to November 10 every year, going on to say that animal owners, including farmers, should know when it’s going to happen, and was unsympathetic to the distress this caused.

What is the matter with our country? I am a pensioner and have had to resort to taking my dogs away for a week to spare them the stress of Halloween and Guy Fawkes’ Night.

However, due to the extended time stated above that fireworks can be released, this is proving to not be enough to prevent the tremendous fear my dogs experience.

Domestic pets are not the only animals affected.

Farm animals are also caused considerable distress – horses and sheep, fleeing in terror and running into barbed wire fences or across roads.

A cow who had recently given birth trampled her calf to death in the terror caused by fireworks.

I am not alone in feeling this. Thousands of people the length of the country feel the same, having lost animals who flee in terror.

I do not want to spoil people’s fun and understand the right to celebrate, but do we really need the extended length of time?

Further legislation should be considered to prevent the ongoing terror caused to animals, children and the elderly.

Fireworks are explosives and they are not being regulated safely. One local woman who was walking her dog in her local park had fireworks thrown at her and her dog when she requested that some children stop letting them off randomly during the day.

CARROL WALKER, Edward Road. Christchurch