NOT content with masterminding the traffic chaos in Lytchett Minster recently by mis-managing the A35 Upton bypass closures, Dorset County Council highways officers now see no reason to raise concerns about Lytchett Minster School's application to expand its capacity by an additional 200 pupils (raising the total to 1,500!).

The current school population causes traffic chaos in this tiny village every day, damage to soft verges and the narrow country roads as well as safety risks for children.

The prospect of hundreds of extra cars in this tiny village is too appalling to contemplate.

Villagers have no objection in principle to the schools expansion but are insisting on a viable, safe and environmentally friendly traffic management plan for the village to accompany any increase in pupil numbers.

No such plan exists currently.

DCC highways officials need to be reminded that it is the public who pay their salaries and they have a duty to respond to the legitimate concerns of all local people and not just those with a vested interest.

ROBIN SEQUEIRA CBE, New Road, Lytchett Minster