I REFER to the letter from Jane Stichbury, Chair of Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Monday’s Echo.

What is reassuring is that as a result of recent pressures brought by the concerned public and charity fundraising groups, the Jigsaw Appeal resources are finally being used to improve patient services. Clearly far less reassuring are the relatively vague statements regarding investment gains and running costs, and one wonders if some elaboration of the details of both these aspects would be appropriate, if the hospital authorities are so sure of their position.

Turning attention to the new building, which will indeed prove to be an excellent facility for patients when built, it would be helpful in the spirit of clear communication and greater transparency if a specific time-frame for producing final architects’ drawings, submitting detailed planning permission and completing the build was published.

The 18-month programme quoted by Richard Renaut in late November seems incredibly optimistic even to the most naive of readers. We very much look forward to the hospital's response.

JAN OATES, Ophir Road, Bournemouth