WITH regard to Mark Chivers’ letter, ‘This wind farm may meet UNESCO criteria’ 10/12/12. He ventures to state that anyone who disagrees with his correspondence must go on ‘the growing list of dubious claims’. There is nothing dubious about what I have to say on the matter.

The main point being is that we can’t reduce our dependence on conventional power stations or the amount of CO2 we produce. We all know, especially those on the ‘list’, that renewable energy cannot supply constant power to the national grid and has to be balanced by conventional power stations. To keep this back-up constantly available does require fossil fuel power plants to run much of the time very inefficiently (when renewable energy kicks in) and expensively, chucking out so much more carbon than normal that it negates any supposed CO2 savings from wind or sun.

And there you have it, easily understood and straight to the point.

MIKE FRY, Moorland Crescent, Upton, Poole