AN amazing suggestion “Sell The Town Hall”.

I must admit that the suggestion submitted by Mr Dave Wells (Daily Echo Nov 5) to sell the town hall and for the whole administration to “camp out” at Littledown can only be described as amazing, especially being quoted by a capable business personality.

The tremendous foresight and superior acumen conducted by the City Fathers brought about their decision to purchase the Mont Dore Hotel which was opened in 1885.

At the time of its being built it was acclaimed as the finest building in the town and occupied an unrivalled situation and possessed architectural distinction. Afterwards, it was used during the First World War as a military hospital and offered for sale.

The building lent itself to an admirable conversion to council offices as has been proven over the years.

Of course it was necessary to build an addition comprising of a council chamber, as Bournemouth’s chamber is ever admired by visitors who recognise the expensively fitted South American panelled walls of mahogany and spacious accommodation for members.

Those of us who have had the honour to occupy the Mayor’s parlour (there is a Mayoress’s parlour) have received many comments of admiration and warm approval of these invaluable facilities from the many visitors from other municipalities.

Mr Wells asks us to spend money wisely, but to repeat the enormously convenient site (were we to vacate the present Town Hall) and to build another edifice of the high quality and design of the present Town Hall would be almost impossible and the cost of replacement would see the noughts “roll of the end of the pier.”

Sorry Mr Wells, the town loves its Town Hall and it’s one of the Borough’s treasures.

PHILIP WHITELEGG, Romney Road, Redhill Park