I WAS pleased to see the Echo's two-page coverage of the immensely important local issue of the Navitus Bay Wind Farm and its help in raising public awareness.

Whilst however it talks about the arguments for and against, those against are clearly set out but there is only one argument in favour – local jobs.

Normally, these are exaggerated by wind companies, so a breakdown should be provided. Also, they do not refer to the expected loss of real local jobs in tourism.

Two key facts: two million birds migrate annually through the site and the likely turbine height at 673 feet is about 1.5 times that of the Isles of Wight and Purbeck.

Apart from the work of CN, coastal residents' associations are getting together to fight the plan, which amounts to a large scale industrial development in a place of great beauty.

There has also been a recent successful meeting of council leaders and MPs to work out an opposition strategy. Let us hope they manage to stop this potential blight.

WA HOODLESS, Harland Road, Bournemouth