JOE Roach believes Cherries’ new young duo can rise to the challenge if thrown into the League Two battle next term.

The Cherries head of youth was delighted with the news that both Steve Hutchings and George Webb were set to be handed three-month professional deals by manager Eddie Howe on Monday.

Both have had a small amount of experience in the first team during their Dean Court apprenticeships and, with Howe likely to have to operate with a small squad when the new season gets under way, the homegrown hopefuls could be required to step up to the plate.

And Roach believes Webb and Hutchings will not disappoint when they are given the opportunity to shine.

“I wouldn’t have any hesitation about putting them in,” he told the Echo.

Discussing each player’s talents, Roach said: “Steve is a really hard working striker.

“He’s 6ft 2ins and has got potential in terms of his technical qualities.

“We’ve got expectations of him – not just because he’s a 6ft 2ins striker – that he’s got the potential to be a good targetman.

“The first team recognised George’s value when he was involved at Morecambe, not just on the pitch, but in and around the players. He’s a good lad and the players really took to him.”

Versatile midfielder Webb made his first-team debut at Morecambe on the last day of the League Two season, while Portsmouth-born Hutchings appeared for Cherries against Millwall in March 2008.

The pair’s progression continues Cherries’ good record of moving players through the youth system and into the first team, following the elevation of Ryan Pryce, Joe Partington and Josh McQuoid last summer.

Roach believes that, outside the Championship, the club is in the top four for producing their own players.

While there was joy for Webb and Hutchings, the news was not so good for Carl Preston and Jamie Davidson, who were not offered terms.

Roach added: “We’ll send their details out to clubs. They have both been part of the first team and hopefully we can get them to a new club.”