DEBT-RIDDEN Lee James is making a last-ditch appeal to find a sponsor in a bid to resurrect his European Tour career.

The 1994 British Amateur champion restricted this season’s Challenge Tour schedule to a handful of home events after he ran out of money in May.

James, a six-time winner on the satellite tour, is currently 163rd on the money list with a meagre 3,790 Euros to his name from 11 events.

The poor return means he will lose his playing privileges, and must attend the second stage of Tour School next month to try and re-establish a ranking.

But James looks set to miss the opportunity of taking up his place in the four round qualifier in Spain due to a lack of funds.

“I don’t want to give up the game, but I just can’t afford to go,” explained the 37-year-old Broadstone touring professional. “I’m thousands of pounds in debt and don’t have a permanent job.

“I’m working for an agency at the moment packing boxes in a warehouse. Without a sponsor I won’t be able to raise the £3,000 needed to meet the entry and travelling costs.”

James has won several home-based tournaments to help make ends meet, but would like another shot at the European Tour.

“I feel as if I’m playing well enough, it’s just a case of getting the financial support,” added James. “But at the end of the day I have to pay the bills, and may have to look for a full-time job away from golf.”

James was paired with Jack Nicklaus in the first round of the 2005 US Masters and was a Walker Cup team-mate of Ryder Cup star Padraig Harrington.

Anyone interested in sponsoring James can contact him on 07590 722479.