JIMMY Quinn believes he will have a "great relationship" with Ted Sutton after giving the director of football role a resounding thumbs-up.

Cherries' new manager spoke yesterday about the much-debated position, which has again hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons in the wake of Kevin Keegan's departure from Newcastle United.

The former England boss was reported to have had trouble accepting the work done by Magpies director Dennis Wise, hastening his exit from St James' Park.

But Quinn, who was unveiled as Kevin Bond's successor at Dean Court on Tuesday, doesn't envisage any problems cropping up as he works alongside Sutton, Cherries' football operations director.

"We will work very closely together on scouting and different issues in football and the structure running through the club, from the school of excellence all the way through," explained the former Northern Ireland striker.

"Ted's very, very experienced at that and he's an ex-player.

"I get on very well with him and, without a shadow of a doubt, we'll have a great relationship.

"He's not there to stand on my toes, he's there to do nothing but help me, so I'm very pleased about that.

"He's a great character, loves the game and wants success like we all do.

"He's got on very well with me and Jason (Tindall, Quinn's assistant) and as far as I'm concerned he's part of my team."

Despite its success on the continent, the director of football role has had a chequered history in the English game, with a number of high-profile failures.

But Quinn has seen the system working first-hand and doesn't have a problem with it.

"When you do your UEFA Pro Licence you study other things and I went to Holland," he told the Daily Echo.

"All the Dutch clubs have got directors of football and most of them are ex-players or have a background of being in the game.

"Where you do have problem like at Newcastle, there's obviously been a breakdown in communication.

"But for me that's easy (to solve) - you sit down with the director of football, talk to him and tell him what your plans are and you work together."

Sport-6 executive Sutton is looking forward to working alongside Cherries' new managerial team.

He said: "My role will not change as football operations director.

"I will still be working with the community, with the youth team and with the first team.

"I want to be a resource to Jimmy and Joe (Roach, head of youth), and even look at ways and means of obtaining funds for the football in the community programme.

"I've got no pre-conceived ideas of trying to move into the first team and be around them.

"I came into this job with my eyes wide open, knowing what my role would be."

He added: "I want to build up a whole portfolio of different activities that are going to be to the benefit of Bournemouth."