BRAVE Pirates captain Chris Holder thanked the speedway world for their messages of support and then vowed to be back after his horror smash.

A statement on Holder’s official website reported that the world champion was “comfortable” in University Hospital Coventry after undergoing hip surgery.

The 25-year-old sustained a fractured and dislocated left hip, as well as a shattered heel and broken shoulder after a major crash while riding for Poole on Friday night.

Bearwood-based Holder had an operation to put his hip back in place yesterday, but is likely to require further surgery.

According to the statement, doctors were still assessing the extent of the Australian’s multiple injuries, while his partner Sealy, their son Max and his brother James are all at the Grand Prix king’s bedside.

Writing on his Twitter page, Holder said: “Cheers for all the messages! Appreciate it! Not in real good shape at the moment, but I’ll be back.”

Pirates team boss Neil Middleditch accompanied Holder in an ambulance following the spill, while both he and Poole star Darcy Ward visited the Poole skipper in hospital.

Middleditch told the Daily Echo: “He was in a great deal of pain on the track. They were giving him whatever pain relief he needed but he was in a great deal of pain.

“As bad as it is, it is in riders’ make-up to come back. As a speedway rider, you accept that injuries are part and parcel of the sport.”

The injury came as a huge blow to Pirates’ play-off chances, while it also ended Holder’s hopes of retaining his world title.

Middleditch added: “Chris’s wellbeing is paramount but it was a great shame for the club when things were just starting to get better.

“It will be very difficult to move on because of the severity of the accident. It was one of the worst ones I had seen for a long while and you wouldn’t want to see that again.”

Pirates have booked Martin Smolinski to guest for Holder at Wolverhampton tomorrow, with Troy Batchelor set to deputise against Wolves at Wimborne Road on Wednesday.