A DORSET MP visited an opticians in Wareham to find out more about the extensive research that they have carried out over the past 17 years.

Annette Brooke, MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole, met Loraine and Geoff Shayler of Shayler’s Vision Centre on West Street to hear about the many visual problems that children with learning difficulties have and how they help them.

Geoff said: “There are many limitations imposed on optometrists within the NHS for helping many of these patients. For example optometrists are unable to provided coloured lenses for dyslexia, some types of bifocals that can help a child read, or vision therapy funded by the NHS.”

Geoff added that their vision therapist, Michelle, told Mrs Brooke about the difficulties her son Alex had experienced, having been tested at another opticians and then the hospital, neither of which could help him.

“When he came to Shaylers Vision Centre, I identified that he had very limited awareness of his peripheral vision, poor eye movements, a very limited reading range and he could only see the top 4 lines on the letter chart.

“Following just two and a half weeks vision therapy, his vision totally normalised and his education and reading fluency is now showing substantial improvement.

“As a result of this experience, Michelle has undergone training in vision therapy and joined the team at Shayler’s.”

Geoff said that he also discussed with Mrs Brooke about her interest in reducing the growing incidence of sight loss within the UK and falls risk.

Using demonstrations, he was able to show her how reducing vision in the elderly, especially those with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases, increases the risk of falls, as well as affecting their quality of life.

His research in this area was internationally recognised last year, when he was presented with a top award at the Light and Vision Conference in Florida.

Annette Brooke MP said: “I found my visit extremely interesting and I shall be discussing Geoff's work with a whole range of organisations that I meet regularly with in Parliament.

“There are so many possible applications covering different age groups but I shall make a start in my capacity of vice chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Eye Health and Visual impairment.”