A SELECTION of advertisements at a Highcliffe housing development have been removed following a council decision - but some remain along the main road.

The retrospective planning application for consent to display advertisement at Churchill Retirement Living's scheme went before Christchurch Borough Council's planning committee.

The seven flags and poles along Stuart Road were refused by members.

However, the two flags and a monolith stack board on the Lymington Road side of the development were given permission to remain in place for a maximum of two years.

The split decision was given in-part following the recommendations of the planning officer's report.

The report suggested granting the Lymington Road advertisements and the two most northerly flags on Stuart Road.

Councillors said the residential nature of Stuart Road made the advertisements "appear cluttered and

obtrusive" leading to material harm for the visual amenity of the area.

Christchurch Borough Council said they received notice from Churchill Retirement Living saying the rejected advertisements had been removed as of Thursday September 21.

Cllr David Jones, who proposed the motion for refusing all of the Stuart Road flags, said: "In my opinion they are all out of place and they do detract. The big board along a very busy road on Lymington Road is to my mind intrusive and distracting.

"However, I have read the report and do know there are other sites where this company has been allowed to keep some advertising and I suppose it is only fair that they should be able to promote their site."

The proposal for granting the Lymington Road advertisements and refusing those on Stuart Road was approved by members, with one abstention from Cllr Sue Spittle.