OPPONENTS of a potential sheltered housing development in Highcliffe have called for people to express their views over the latest scheme.

The group of residents have formed an alliance over the latest plans for 48 sheltered apartments in Stuart Road, Highcliffe.

The development would see five bungalows demolished to make way for the new flats. The plans are the latest proposal from Churchill Retirement Living after an initial scheme for 38 apartments was recommended for refusal by planners.

This scheme planned to demolish four bungalows.

Last week Andrew Burgess, planning director at Churchill said: "The second application is to include an additional house on Stuart Road, which is why the number of units has increased. The application is not sufficiently different that we will be consulting on it."

But Andrew Ellis, spokesperson for the residents' group said they objected to the classification of the site as vacant brownfield land.

Of their concerns, which include the size of the building, and access, he added: "Highcliffe is becoming a retirement home rather than a balanced community, putting severe strain on those facilities, especially medical, which are heavily used by this age group and destroying vibrancy.

"Whilst the nation needs more retirement accommodation, this should not be concentrated in one area.

He said: "We should like to remind residents that they have a very short window within which to express their views to the planning department by submitting a formal objection to the latest proposal before the deadline of December 2.

"Previous objections in regard of the former, smaller, development will not be carried forward.

"For our part we are committed to do all we can to fight this David vs Goliath contest by every means – working to achieve the same conclusion."