A weekend at a rock festival in London, took me away from my garden, so watering duties had to be passed to my son.

It was mainly the greenhouse, my cucumbers and chillies, which needed most attention but it got me thinking, what happens to those gardeners who want to go on holiday but have no one to water whilst they are away?

There are facilities for ones beloved pets but what about the plants, which you have grown from seed and nurtured?

I’m not sure if there is such a thing as a watering service but there are automatic watering systems, you can install, which water on a timer, so alleviate any worries about returning to shrivelled plants.

I returned on Monday to find everything was still alive, albeit very thirsty, especially my cucumbers, which were on the verge of extinction but a good drink and a drop of feed and they are looking as right as rain.

We are harvesting in earnest at the moment. The first pickings of green beans were put to good use in a curry.

I have just had my first harvest of blueberries. Not massive but I would say a punnets worth.

I have grown two blueberry bushes in pots of ericaceous compost, as they wouldn’t be able to cope with my sandy soil. I know they don’t like tap water and I do put a bucket out every time we have rain but it just isn’t enough to keep them happy.

I am going to install a water butt this autumn, coming off my greenhouse, so that should help with watering them next year.

My courgettes are coming thick and fast and the cucumbers are not far behind them.

Ooh it’s a tasty time in the garden.

The flowers are looking gorgeous with my Clematis Triternata Rubromarginata filling the air with a heady scent of vanilla.

I had a lovely surprise yesterday, when I spotted an arum type lily poking out from the spotty foliage. My best friend Linda had bought me the pot plant for a birthday present a couple of years ago. After the flowers were over, I decided to plant it in the garden. Last year I just got foliage but this year there are a couple of flowers and they are absolutely gorgeous.

I know Hydrangeas are quite a common plant but I love their starry bracts hovering above the unopened buds and mine is looking at it’s best at the moment.

I am so happy that Gardeners’ World has returned to our screens after it’s enforced break. It had to make way for all the summer sporting fixtures but with so few gardening programmes to watch, couldn’t they have found another slot for it, after all this is the busiest time of the year for us gardeners.

Still, we are being treated to an hours worth of Toby and the team this Friday. A perfect start to my staycation. Two weeks to enjoy my garden and weather permitting the beach. Who needs to go away when we have all this loveliness right on our doorstep?