MARILYN Bramford’s son of 14 has been a pupil for eight years and has behavioural problems.  She said: “Within a week I was so relieved. I like the fact all the children have a personal curriculum – their needs are met, social or academic.”

DAVID Groom has a nine-year-old son at the Nigel Bowes Centre. 
He said: “His behaviour has improved substantially, he doesn’t cope well in large groups.  He works so much better because his indiv-idual needs are catered for.”

YEAR 6 pupil George Cutler, 10, said: “I like the people here and I have got a lot of friends. 
“My maths and behaviour are better and I am also a super speller. 
“I also like the sport and I play football and baseball.”

BRANDON Dunford, 10 and in Year 6, said: “I like helping other people, throwing balls and cooking.  “I made a lovely apple crumble last week and I’m making toad-in-the-hole this week. My reading is getting much better too.”

HEAD of school at Nigel Bowes, Nikki Mitchell, said: “Becoming an Academy was brilliant. The children have more opportunities to develop social relationships with children their own age. 
“They work in small groups with a high level of support.”

Sian Thomas, senior head of school, said core subjects such as English, maths, science and ICT are compulsory and added: “A bespoke timetable covers a range of vocational subjects. The curriculum is tailored to students’ needs.”