A TEENAGE girl who went missing from her Poole home was found last night.

Karen Allsopp said daughter Daisy-May Poole, 15, disappeared from their Ashwood Drive home in Broadstone in the early hours of Thursday.

Her mum was left in tears not knowing where Daisy-May, a Year 11 pupil at Corfe Hills School, had gone and said last night that her experience should act as a warning to other parents.

Daisy-May was found in Corfe Mullen .

Her mum said it was believed she had disappeared with a homeless man who had been spotted in the area and she said Daisy-May was found with him.

Karen said: “This is a warning to other parents and schools to be vigilant about the people that are hanging around outside and who their kids are mixing with.”

Daisy-May had been missing for almost 48 hours and Karen said it had been a horrible experience.

She added: “We woke up on Thursday morning and noticed that the front door was open and her bedroom was empty.

“She goes running sometimes in the morning, so we thought maybe she had gone for a run, but she didn’t come back.”

Karen said her disappearance was “completely out of character”.

She added: “You see these things in the newspapers and on TV and they happen to other people, you cannot imagine how dreadful it feels.”

Police searched for Daisy-May both on the ground and using the force helicopter.