GEORGE Heap , 12, joined the school as a new Year 8 pupil this month. He said: “It is a big school and I got lost a few times at first but they made me feel at home. “I enjoy sport and there are lots of activities to choose from here.”

PARENT Richard Gosler , who has a son in Year 10, said: “This school is absolutely fantastic. My son is a very academic boy and he may have had trouble fitting in in some schools. He is surrounded by boys who think the same as him.”

ENGLISH teacher and literacy adviser Karen Mallace-Goulbourne said: “It is a really caring environment and one where, as teachers, we really try to maximise the boys’ full potential. “We support them to become really clever young men.”

HEAD of Year 8 Keith McDonald has been at the school for 25 years. He said: “One of the real strengths of the school is that we take from a diverse range of backgrounds. I am r looking forward to welcoming Year 7 students next year.”

PARENT and teacher Mark Partridge has seen all four of his sons go through the school. He said: “It’s been a privilege. The boys have all flourished in the school and I was very proud when they all passed the test to get places here.”

PREFECT William Harvey-Deadman , 17, aims to become a primary teacher. He said: “There is a lot of support from the teachers and the level of teaching is high. I think selective schools push people to excel and it is a good school.”