VOLUNTEERS are needed in Christchurch to help rid the area of a harmful weed.

As part of the Source to Sea project, a handful of people in Christchurch have thrown themselves behind the campaign to stem the spread of the invasive plants.

These include Himalayan Balsam, which infests damp areas and crowds out native species, plus Japanese knotweed and giant hogweed.

The dominant balsam plant is able to grow so quickly due to their exploding seed pods which can spread very easily. And in Christchurch, the plant has become very dense and very dominant over the years, leading to local people taking action themselves.

Starting a couple of years ago, a small group of volunteers including Bev Miller, Sue Newman and Peter Fenning, have donned their Wellington boots and spent hours trying to clear the meadows of the weed, uprooting the fresh plants which will arrive in spring.

Helpers can ring 01202 463373.