A LARGE order for swimwear and equipment raised the suspicions of Broadstone sports shop SOS Swim.

The online order came from Spain but requested delivery in the UK.

“We thought it may have been the start of an elaborate scam,” said Maureen Bursey, owner of the Broadstone-based business.

“After a couple of phone calls we established that the order was genuine and was in fact to supply the Spanish team in their preparations for this summer’s Olympics .”

The company has seen business boom with the summer of sport and are looking forward to a bumper year with the coverage swimming will receive on TV in the coming weeks.

“We are so excited to be part of the Olympics and to fly the flag locally,” she said. “Now that the sun is finally shining people will think of getting to the beach or pool for a swim.”

Many Dorset children who learn to swim in the 80s or 90s were taught by Maureen. She founded the business in 1985 as a swimming school, developing into a specialist supplier of swimwear.

The shop was opened in 1999 and is a major online supplier of all swimming related gear. Customers include top ranking athletes such as Olympic medallist open water swimmer Cassie Patten and the GB Military Pentathlon Team.