CRIME reduction charity Nacro is launching a new cafe and media project for young people in Bournemouth and Poole next week.

The charity was awarded £30,000 funding from Bournemouth and Poole councils to design and build a kitchen, cafe and media suite for 14 to 19-year-olds.

The project aims to create opportunities and skills for young people.

It will run workshops and tasters alongside short courses and nationally recognised qualifications in catering, hospitality and media.

Nacro team manager Bronson Jones said: “Nacro is very excited about this project for many reasons, but most of all because of the opportunities it will create for young people.

“We have an open day on April 25 and we’d like to promote the project far and wide.”

The official opening of Nacro’s Media and cafe@543 project will be on Wednesday, April 25, between 11am and 4pm at The Lion Works, 543 Wallisdown Road, Poole.