Somerford estate has come a long way in the past few years.

Once a hotspot for drugs problems and anti-social behaviour, the estate and its residents have worked to transform the area, hoping to rid themselves of the nickname “Scumerford”.

Now, with a new community group set-up alongside FROGS (Friends and Residents of Grange Community Association), residents are getting the opportunity to air their views about issues ranging from housing to community facilities. Despite the estate being the most deprived in the borough and some of the areas among the most deprived 25 per cent nationally, many residents believe this is changing. If the determination of the groups and individuals is anything to go by, the only way is up.

Passionate and determined residents

REFORMED and revived the Somerford Partnership consists of some of the most passionate and determined residents from the estate.

Led by chairperson, Chris Hopkins, the reinvented action group was originally formed in 2007 in conjunction with Twynham Housing.

But when the housing association merged with Sovereign Housing, relations broke down.

The Partnership was fully constituted in January and secured funding from Co-op community fund to help with ongoing meetings.

Chris said: “Our objective is to tackle the issues to improve Somerford’s social standing within the borough.

“We want to overcome the myth that this is an inferior area and rid ourselves of the nickname “Scumerford”.

“Many residents feel they are not listened to on local issues and end up thinking ‘why bother?’.”

Vice chairman Julie Goodman said: “We want to be a mouthpiece for the community – to educate authorities and other groups that our opinion does count and also feed information through to people.”

Concerned the estate has been looked upon as the poor relation within the borough, the group want to improve the services that are available to them.

Chris added: “We’re not saying Somerford is the perfect place to live.

“Every area in the borough has its “rogue element” but if people don’t like the labels we’re given, then work with us to change that.”

The partnership will meet once a month and discuss ongoing issues or new matters that come to light. Everyone has the right to defend their home and the area where they live and the Somerford Community Partnership is a vehicle to drive this message.”

Since they started in 2007, they have helped to achieve traffic calming measures, worked with fellow community group FROGS to secure safe play facilities and established good links with the community police and environmental team at the council.

Currently they are fighting to keep green spaces on the estate, aiming to work with Sovereign Twynham on redevelopment issues, improve community facilities and get residents views heard on the proposals for a new supermarket.

Contact them on or local councillors Denise Jones on 01425 270058 or Paul Hilliard on 01425 271322.