LINKS between a top private school and a state school in north Bournemouth have been further strengthened by the offer of two more scholarships to pupils.

Canford School first invited applications from Bourne Academy students last year after becoming one of the new academy’s sponsors.

Jack Churchill and Jay Durham were the first to gain scholarships and joined Canford’s sixth form in September.

Now two 16-year-old girls from Bourne Academy – head student Hayley Thomas and house captain Elle Upshaw – have also been offered places.

They passed four exams and two interviews in one day but also need to get good enough GCSE results.

“I heard about the scheme last year at a parents’ evening and it seemed a really good idea. If you’re given the opportunity, I don’t see why you would throw it away,” said Elle, who plans to study business, politics, geography and French in the sixth form.

Hayley, who wants to study English, politics, RE and economics, said: “I went to look around and it was the most gorgeous school I’ve ever seen.

“It was like Hogwarts. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for people from Bourne Academy and I thought there was no harm in trying.”

The two boys have settled in well at their new school and have started playing hockey for the first time.

Jack, 17, of Ensbury Park, is studying geography, maths, physics and art and aiming for a career in TV and film.

Jay, 16, of Redhill, is studying English, geography, business and PE, and said of his new school: “It’s very academic. You have goals set, so you do tend to push yourself that little bit more.”

Bourne Academy principal Jackie Steel said: “It’s absolutely brilliant that our students have this amazing opportunity.

“Jack and Jay come back to the academy every week, which certainly inspires out students to achieve their best and make the most of their opportunities.”