POOLE’S new Twin Sails Bridge is good news that will, undoubtedly, provide a boost for the town.

It was exhilarating to see crowds gather yesterday to enjoy the milestone events.

But the bridge is still not yet open for traffic. And you have to wonder why it took questions from the Daily Echo to find out why.

Now we know that the delay is due to a defect in a small area of surfacing that will need to be remedied. Fair enough. Of course the delay is essential.

But people living in Poole and beyond should be kept informed of every such consequential development.

It is their bridge. They’ve waited more than 30 years for it to be built and another few days – if that’s what it is – won’t do any harm.

The Twin Sails Bridge has already enjoyed a Mayor’s Community Weekend and an official opening. And on Monday, will host a royal visit.

But the key event to really celebrate is when it’s finally open to traffic.