Britain may no longer be a Christian country in just 20 years, according to a report by the House of Commons Library last week.

Christianity is losing more than half a million believers each year, whilst the count of atheist and agnostics is going up by almost 750,000 annually. If trends continue, the number of non-believers is set to overtake the number of Christians by 2030.

David Warden, Chair of Dorset Humanists which attracts atheists and agnostics, says that they have seen good membership growth over the last decade locally. David, himself an ex-evangelical Christian, told me why he felt so many are ‘losing their faith’.

“Christianity has simply become unbelievable for millions of people,” he says.

“Most people, even Christians, live by the humanist principles of self-determinations and making the most of this life.

“They see people waving their arms in church and are put off by this cult-like behaviour.”

The research also found that while Christianity has declined, other religions have seen sharp increases, with the number of Muslims in the UK surging by 37 per cent in the last six years.