IF you’re a regular user of your local park, you probably notice a lot about what goes on there. You notice all the pleasant things, like dogs bounding about enthusiastically – and toddlers bounding about even more enthusiastically.

You spot people taking pleasure in the fresh air, the plant life and the retreat from traffic and busyness.

But occasionally, you also come across the downside of the park – vandalism, antisocial behaviour and general trouble-making. Plans to recruit “park guardians” in Bournemouth could have a lot going for them. Charminster police community support officer Richard Crew rightly says park users could become eyes and ears not only for the police but for other local services.

Parks are among the best things about life in our towns. This scheme to ask the public to alert officials to any problems in them sounds like a great idea.

But it will stand or fall on how quickly and seriously those calls are responded to.