A chivalrous helicopter engineer underwent a hair-raising ordeal to raise funds for a cancer charity.

Hirsute Chris Webb was stripped of every hair on his body – apart from his eyebrows – and raised more than £1,500.

“Some bits were more painful than I expected,” said the Portland Coastguard helicopter engineer of the eye-watering neck-to-toes peel. “Especially the chest and nether regions.”

Noble Chris, underwent the five-hour ordeal in empathy with wife Sabrina, a rehabilitation officer for the visually impaired with Bournemouth Council, and to raise funds for Breast Cancer Care.

“When my wife Sabrina was told that her cancer had re-emerged and spread, and that she would have to undergo chemo for the second time in eight years, I decided that I would like to empathise with her hair loss and at the same time raise as much as I can,” said Chris.

• Chris can be sponsored on justgiving.com/chrisj webb