CHRISTCHURCH council will be freezing the rate of council tax for the second year running.

In keeping with decision made by Dorset County Council, Dorset Police and Dorset Fire and Rescue, councillors at Christchurch voted to keep their part of the council tax for a Band D property at £174.58.

In total a Band D household will pay £1,583.26.

Residents of Burton and Hurn parishes also pay a precept to their Parish Council – which for 2012/13 is £11.55 for Burton and £26.36 for Hurn.

Cllr Mike Duckworth, chairman of the resources committee said a further £143,000 has been taken off their grant, which over the last two years has made the council £500,000 worse off.

He said: “Due to our prudent financial planning we are able to maintain frontline services and minimise staff losses. However, I am not sure how long we will be able to keep on doing it.”