A WIMBORNE architect ordered to pay up his Business Improvement District rates by magistrates has pledged to keep protesting against the “woolly” scheme.

Peter Thompson, 53, was summoned to Bournemouth Magistrates Court this week for refusing to pay a compulsory £78 levy to the BID, which aims to boost the town by grouping all the businesses together.

It will spend around £500,000 – raised from a charge based on business rates – on events and promotions over the next five years.

Mr Thompson, of Peter Thompson Architects in West Borough, said: “I do not think the BID have produced any service.

“It’s completely woolly and totally impossible to understand – nothing concrete.”

His ballot paper from the Electoral Reform Service did not arrive until the day of the vote last year, he added.

Ninety-six businesses voted the scheme in. Turnout was 53 per cent, with 58 per cent voting in favour.

Mr Thompson, a lifelong Wimborne resident, added: “I’m glad I’ve recorded my concern. I think it’s shambolic the way BID have handled me.

“The whole point is to promote local business, yet I am one of 30 years standing and have been completely ignored. I’m passionate about Wim-borne and want it to succeed.”

Having been forced to pay the levy, he now wants to get involved.

BID chairman Chris Slocock said he was extremely disappointed by Mr Thompson’s complaints.

“We’re very conscious of spending businesses’ money,” he said. “We really do want value for money – we’re all levy payers after all – and will spend wisely and sensibly.”