ADAM Murry is a man on a mission – to complete seven marathons in seven days in seven different countries for seven charities in April 2012.

His aim is to raise as much money as possible for the good causes he has nominated and has urged the public to support his challenge.

“I know this is a tall order,” said Adam, “but I am determined to complete all the elements of what I have set myself.”

He added: “It is quite daunting but very exciting at the same time.”

The challenge begins on April 15 in Paris followed by six further runs in Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany and Belgium. The final part of the fundraiser is the London Marathon on April 22.

The seven charities he will run for are:

• Julia’s House, Dorset’s only childrens’ hospice

• Bliss, the special care baby charity

• Ebony Robinson Foundation, raising money for children and young adults with AT and similar diseases

• G4G, helping to save endangered gorillas in the DR Congo

• debra, a charity for parents of children suffering from EB

• John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation, to help young people achieve their dreams, in memory of Royal Marine John, killed in Afghanistan

• Hillside Animal Sanctuary, home to over 2,000 animals.

Adam said: “I have been committed to raising money for charity for a long time and that is now more important than ever.

“Many charities are struggling to raise cash and keep their heads above water because of the economic downturn.

“2012 will be a huge year of achievement for many athletes because of the Olympic Games coming here.

“I want to make it a year of achievement for me too so that I can raise as much money as I can for my seven good causes.”