DAMAGED and rusty road signs are making Poole look untidy, it has been claimed.

Ken Bearcroft, chairman of the Parkstone Bay Association, said he had heard from residents that “a lot of notices have been damaged around the town”, with one hanging at 45 degrees and others unreadable because of rust.

“One particular sign is the one near Seldown Bridge.

“The residents have complained twice that this is there and no action has been taken,” he told Poole council’s Newtown and Parkstone area committee.

“On some of the roads, and particularly alongside the park going into town, signs are made just about unreadable by corrosion.”

John Sayers, Poole council’s highway maintenance principal engineer, issued a statement to the Echo “Repair of the sign which was hanging at an angle by Seldown Bridge has already been ordered by our inspector and this work will be carried out shortly.”

“Signs near the park were all ‘legible and safe’.

“However, it is recognised that the ‘keep left’ bollards in the area are in a particularly poor condition and these are to be replaced within the next couple of months as part of a renewal programme.”

Similar problems can be reported at boroughof poole.com/reportit or by ringing 01202 265255.