IT’S not a done deal.

That was the assurance yesterday to hundreds of Highcliffe residents, worried about plans for a gypsy and traveller site.

The Grange Road site off Highcliffe Road is one of two possible options in the borough – a third at Hurn has been dropped.

It is part of the current search for suitable traveller locations throughout Dorset with a public consultation exercise underway.

But at two lunchtime meetings held back-to-back because of the number who turned up at the East Christchurch Sports Club, Cllr David Jones told campaigners: “I have heard people say that this has already been agreed. It has not.

“It is not a done deal.”

A petition opposing the idea, which has put forward by consultants, has attracted 1,300 names.

Cllr Jones, who represents the West Highcliffe ward, warned opponents: “We want your views but they must be based on planning grounds. You may not like it, but that’s how it is.

“The council is bound by the law as it stands, we must consider this on the evidence and your views are a crucial part of that evidence.”

He said the proposal for the site, currently occupied by small businesses which would have to relocate, had to be approved by the landowner.

“That is Christchurch Borough Council and in my opinion they are extremely unlikely to agree.”

The Grange Road site would provide 15 travellers’ pitches, but one resident declared: “The site is absolutely vital for employment.”

Other objections raised have been lack of infrastructure, damage to the sensitive Mude Valley and traffic problems.

Cllr Jones said Christchurch was “a small cramped borough” and one possibility was sharing a site with neighbouring East Dorset.