AN ASTONISHING war of words has broken out between senior Bournemouth councillors and one of their own MPs.

Bournemouth’s leader and deputy leader have accused Tobias Ellwood of being “manipulative” and “putting his foot in it”.

But the MP said he “would not be bullied” and that their behaviour was “parochial.”

Peter Charon and John Beesley’s relations with Mr Ellwood have reached the point where they rarely have town hall meetings, despite the fact that they are all Conservatives.

They have had separate arguments with Mr Ellwood over how much he should be involved with civic affairs.

Cllr Charon attacked Mr Ellwood after the MP came up with a scheme to discuss ideas for the town’s future, called Conurbation 2050.

He wrote emails to Mr Ellwood, seen by the Echo, which said: “We don’t tell you how to vote in the House, do we?”

Cllr Charon wrote that he did not receive an invitation to Conurbation 2050 event at Bournemouth School for Girls, claiming “everyone was astounded by your lack of courtesy.”

And he wrote: “Schoolchildren may have a legitimate part to play in thinking about how their town may look in 38 years time – when you expect to be Prime Minister.”

Cllr Charon also accused Mr Ellwood of “manipulative and unwarranted interference” over the defection of independent councillor Derek Borthwick.

In his emailed replies, Mr Ellwood said he wanted to be transparent and share ideas about how to improve Bournemouth.

Deputy leader councillor John Beesley took issue with Mr Ellwood’s suggestion that Bournemouth and Poole councils should merge to save money.

Cllr Beesley, who has overseen “huge” cost saving initiatives that he puts at £32 million, believed the council was unfairly being held up to scrutiny.

He told the Echo: “I would have thought the best place to start would have been for Tobias Ellwood to give me a call to get the facts straight.

“Because he has never been backward in calling me if it’s something he wants to talk about.

“If he is going to criticise or make suggestions he needs to spent a lot of time talking to people like me so that he doesn’t put his foot in it.”

He said while Conor Burns often stops by his office: “Never yet has Tobias Ellwood taken that opportunity.”

Mr Ellwood told the Echo: “Clearly all is not well, when ideas about weathering the economic storm, are met with such hostility from a corner of the Town Hall.

“I will not be bullied by the leader or deputy – and will defend my right, and the right of others, to comment on the town’s long-term strategy while leaving the day to day tactics to the council.

“Local and national issues are very much integrated today. The notion MPs cannot comment on local matters is not only parochial but Victorian.

“Let’s get back to focusing on the real issues.”

Mr Ellwood said he was “fully aware” of the council’s money-saving initiatives, through meetings with councillors, including John Beesley, officers, and companies such as Morgan Sindall.

“If there are long term efficiencies to be made in further integrating back office operations and structures, surely this – on behalf of the tax payer – is worth considering,” he said.

He said Conurbation 2050 has been “a huge success” in bringing together people from various sectors in Bournem- outh and Poole.

Peter Charon declined to comment on the emails other than to say it was an internal matter from several months ago.

He also said: “All councillors and all MPs from time to time have their debates.”

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