GENEROUS Echo readers have been quick to support the 15th Bournemouth Toy Appeal, donating hundreds of gifts in the first week of the appeal.

All the collection points across the conurbation are already filling up with toys, gifts, toiletries and books, all destined to benefit local disadvantaged families.

And there are still two weeks left for Christmas shoppers to pick up an extra present and support the Echo-backed appeal.

New and unwrapped gifts can be dropped off until Friday, December 9. Collection points are at the Daily Echo’s offices at Richmond Hill, Bournemouth and the Dolphin Centre, Poole; the Lighthouse in Poole; or the Boots stores in Bournemouth Square, Boscombe, Christchurch, Poole, Winton and Southbourne.

The donations will go to a whole host of deserving organisations, including Sure Start, BCHA and women’s refuges of Bournemouth and Poole.

Organiser Phil Carey said: “We’ve had a great response already. It is wonderful to see how generous people can be. One lady, Mrs Parker of Longham, has knitted dozens and dozens of toys.

“All these donations will really help spread some joy this Christmas. So many people are struggling to survive at the moment that this appeal is needed more than ever.”