SCHOOL pupils visited a facility that helps homeless people to find out about its work – and ended up making lots of donations.

The Year 10 group from Avonbourne School dropped in to BCHA’s Hannah House, which works with those left homeless through alcohol misuse.

One pupil, Georgia Dawson, was so moved by what she saw that she enlisted the help of her friend, Tiger Broughton, to do something to make a difference to the lives of the residents.

They decided to ask their fellow students to bring in items which they could donate to residents.

The pair asked for essentials such as toiletries, scarves, gloves, food, pens and writing pads and visited their assemblies to explain about the work of Hannah House and encourage pupils to fill a shoe box of essential items.

The school amassed 116 shoe boxes, as well as 30 bags full of clothes and food.

Beki Nightingall, project leader at Hannah House, said: “On behalf of BCHA and the residents of Hannah House, I would like to thank Georgia, Tiger and the other pupils of Avonbourne School for their hard work and kindness. It just goes to show what a difference the work of a couple of people can make to the people who really need it.

“Often people will come to us with nothing but the clothes on their back. It is great to be able to give them one of these boxes, full of lovely and essential things and tell them that it has come from local school children who care about them.”

Avonbourne School has since decided to support Hannah House with ongoing fundraising activities.