Janet Bingham, 68, from the housing estate backing onto the base, said: “I’m so very sad to hear another of the great team has lost their life. “It’s too early to tell what will happen yet, but I would have thought there will be hundreds of bunches of flowers left at the gates of Scampton.

“There were plenty left here when Jon Egging died, but there may well be lots more, like there were in Bournemouth, with this latest tragedy happening on our home soil.”

Another resident, who did not want to be named, said: “This is just so close to what happened with Jon Egging it just doesn’t bear thinking about.

“What the whole team must be going through now with this latest tragedy I don’t know.

“How much pain can one team take? But two pilots losing their lives in such a short space of time does concern me.

“And we must not forget the team also had problems the year before with a crash, but thankfully nobody was killed at that point. I’m wondering if they might be grounded now as there have been too many accidents in recent years.”

Another from the Scampton estate said: “This is a tragedy of the worst proportions. “There doesn’t seem to be in my mind a single reason you would ever deliberately press the ejection button if that is what happened, so I don’t know how any sense of this can ever be made. “I feel very disturbed by the whole thing, but I imagine what I’m feeling is nothing to the team.”