HER stunning vocals have captured the hearts of some big fans, including Radio One’s Fearne Cotton.

Now Birdy, aka Lymington schoolgirl Jasmine Van den Bogaerde, is releasing her debut album today.

Entitled Birdy, the album will feature her unique interpretation of songs by Bon Iver, Cherry Ghost, Phoenix, The National, The Postal Service and The xx.

Birdy took a break from her Priestlands School homework, to talk to the Daily Echo.

How would you sum up the album in your own words?

For me the whole thing has been an adventure and a new experience. The musicians I worked with are some of the best in the world and the same goes for the production team.

How did you choose which tracks to use on the album? Are there any that are particularly meaningful to you?

We experimented with a lot of different tracks and I chose the ones that I felt I could really make my own. Without A Word is particularly meaningful to me as it is my own song.

It has been a bit of a mad year for you. How has life changed in 2011?

I have much less time to do things with my friends so I’ve learnt to make the best of it. I spend a lot of time in recording studios playing music which I love and sometimes I meet some amazing people.

What has been your most memorable moment of the last year?

Signing my contract with Atlantic Records was very exciting. Going on Fearne Cotton’s live lounge and my trip to Los Angeles to complete the album are some of my most memorable moments.

When did you first find out you had a talent for singing?

I’ve sung my whole life but started composing my own songs when I was about eight years old.

How did things progress from there?

My mother taught me to play the piano which helped me to develop more skills. I started to perform in front of people with encouragement from teachers at school which gradually built up my confidence.

Who has been a particular mentor to you?

My mother.

Who are your musical heroes?

KT Tunstall, Paolo Nutini and Lianne La Havas.

What are your hopes for the album?

That it is successful and gets played a lot.

What are your long-term ambitions in the music industry?

I want to write my own songs and perform them.

Having had last year’s experiences I can’t imagine doing anything else.

How do you manage to juggle your career with your schoolwork?

I’m very lucky. My school has been very supportive of me and has given me extra time to catch up when I need it.

Tell me about appearing in the Live Lounge with Fearne Cotton?

Fearne rang me the night before the show and put my mind at ease.

It was a scary experience as I forgot the words to Shelter 30 seconds before I was on air. My father rushed in after my plea for help with the lyrics just in time.

What’s the maddest place you’ve heard your music played?

My cousin texted me to say that she’d heard Skinny Love being played in the middle of a slum town in Bolivia.