Could you solve a wildlife murder mystery? Put your sleuthing skills to the test with the RSPB this Sunday 6th November at Upton Country Park in Poole.

The event runs between 10am and 3pm and it is free to take part. To join in come to the main lawn at Upton Country Park to pick up your investigation pack.

In this special event children have the chance to become a ‘Deadly Detective’ when presented with a wildlife crime scene and asked to deduce who has eaten who with the help of eight clues, deadly detective booklets and badges.

The event is inspired by CBBC’s popular Live ‘n’ Deadly wildlife and adventure show for kids, presented by Steve Backshall and Naomi Wilkinson. The event should be lots of fun and give young people the chance to get outdoors and learn more about the natural world through these activities.

Please note, as nice as it would be to welcome Steve Backshall and Naomi Wilkinson to this event, neither will be present.

Based on information supplied by Caroline Hughes.