FOUR potential gypsy sites have been shortlisted for Purbeck, as part of ongoing countywide plans to accommodate travellers.

The sites, named hot-on-the-heels of Essex’s hugely controversial £18m Dale Farm eviction, will now go out for public consultation. The potential Purbeck pitches include:

• Two pitches at County Farm, Burnham Lane/Washpond Lane.

• Five pitches on land off High Street, Herston Cross, Swanage.

• Two pitches on land at Washpond Lane and Ulwell Road, Swanage.

• Two pitches on land adjacent to Meadow View, East Burton Road, Wool.

Purbeck District Council leader Gary Suttle, said: “Gypsy and traveller communities are recognised ethnic groups and providing for their needs is a duty of this council.

“It is very important that our local communities give us their views.

“We are also working to find other potential sites as clearly the current shortlisted sites are heavily weighted in two areas – we would prefer to have sites around the district.”

Purbeck District Council is one of eight district and borough councils who have paid consultants Baker Associates to draw up a Development Plan Document, which includes provision for traveller sites.

Purbeck is paying £10,000 towards the document’s £244,000 cost.

Civic officials say they have a statutory duty to create the DPD under the Housing Act 2004.

In Purbeck, district councillors have made it clear they are open to suggestions for other possible sites.

Initial estimates have shown that 21 permanent and 20 temporary pitches are needed to meet Purbeck’s needs.

If the four potential sites became a reality, the district would still need to identify a further 30 pitches.

Cllr Suttle said: “This is the first stage of the consultation process on a very complex issue and I wish to stress that no decisions have yet been made about the sites and no decisions will be made until we get our residents’ views.”

A public consultation on the sites suggested so far will run for 12 weeks from November 18.

A further public consultation then takes place on any new sites put forward.

The whole DPD project is likely to take up to three years, according to Dorset County Council.

l FOR information on a series of public exhibitions across the county, visit travellerpitches Future public meetings on the issue, set for Purbeck, will be announced later this month.

Questionnaires and leaflets will be available from council offices and libraries.