The sika rut is in full swing. It is well worth coming to the RSPB reserve at Arne to have a look especially in the farm fields.

There is often one dominant stag in each of the fields surrounded by a number of hinds and immature males.

The antlers on the Japanese sika are similar to red deer but with fewer branches. Their coat is reddish brown to yellowish brown with a dark dorsal stripe with spots.

The unmistakable clue that it is a sika deer is the white gland on the deer's back leg. Although there is a good chance of seeing stags battling with each other the most extraordinary thing about the rut is the sound of roaring stags.

It is a really eerie noise that sounds like a squeaky door and if you haven't heard it before you may wonder what on earth it could be coming from.

The stags use the call as a challenge to other males in the vicinity and to demonstrate their dominance.

Based on information supplied by Caroline Hughes.